LiquiGuard Gen3
The new analytical system for innovative drinks
The beverage market has been through huge change. The soft drink market in particular was dominated by just a few sugary drinks for many years but today innovative drinks such as zero/light soft drinks, energy drinks etc., which are characterized by several ingredients, call the shots. Analysis technology needs to keep up with this change. This is because we have long since seen the limitations of conventional measurement technology for today’s innovative drinks.

Benefit 1: Continuous quality control
Innovative soft drinks today require the measurement of specific single component quality parameters such as:
Total acid | Soft drinks, energy drinks |
Caffeine | Soft drinks, energy drinks |
Base material concentrations | Soft drinks, energy drinks |
Fingerprint | Soft drinks, energy drinks |
Aspartame | Soft drinks, energy drinks |
Acesulfame-K | Soft drinks, energy drinks |
Saccharin | Soft drinks, energy drinks |
Vitamin B2 | Energy drinks |
Vitamin B3 | Energy drinks |
Vitamin B6 | Energy drinks |
Na-benzoate | Energy drinks |
K-sorbate | Energy drinks |
Near water flavours | Near water drinks |
More measuring parameters are possible.
LiquiGuard Gen3 delivers molecular information about the composition of your drinks – every 10 seconds with just one measurement. On a 24/7 basis you get answers to the following burning questions:
- Is the quality of my ingredients as it should be?
- Was the weighing and dissolving of the powdery ingredients done correctly during the solving process?
- Are the right base material and ingredient tanks attached to my process?
- Is my mixer dosing correctly?
Benefit 2: Return of invest by process optimization
LiquiGuard Gen3 continuously provides you with a host of previously unavailable process information. This new process information allows you to understand your processes better and therefore to optimize them and thus save time, energy and raw materials. The following process optimizations can lead to considerable savings:
- Quick Release
Saving: Quick start, especially for light and zero drinks
- Cleaning on Demand
Saving: Demand-driven cleaning
- Cleaning Validation
Saving: Measurement of smallest concentrations of energy-flavours, caffeine, sweeteners etc. during final rinse
- Automated measurement of the quality parameters
Saving: No more manual lab sample analytics
- Concentration measurement of base materials/key parameters and closed loop with mixer
Saving: Economical use of base materials
- Fingerprint-measuring parameter
Saving: Higher safety with large product range, prevention of consumer complaints
- Use of LiquiGuard as lab system
Saving: For example batch-wise monitoring of finished syrup
Some of the above mentioned saving potentials will only be implemented in the future.
Companies which already trust in LiquiGuard:
- Deutsche SiSi-Werke (Capri-Sonne)
- PepsiCo
- Coca-Cola
- Krones
Are you interested? We are looking forward to your project!!