SyrupGuard Gen3
Maximum control, Waiver of syrup room, electronic release
Enormous cost and time savings
In addition to water and soft drinks, non-alcoholic drinks are now dominated by light or sugar-free cola drinks as well as those with additional benefits:
ACE, sports, relaxation, mineral and energy drinks, with vitamins, minerals or proteins. They are all mixtures of many components and are based on a base material that is mixed with numerous ingredients and water to form a postmix or ready-made syrup. It is extremely important for the bottling companies that the finished syrup always corresponds exactly to the recipe and always tastes the way the customer is used to, before it is finally mixed with water for bottling. Whereas in former times it used to be enough to check the quality of postmix and finished syrup as a sum parameter, today we want to know precice about the individual components: Are all the ingredients included in the syrup? In the exact amount?
SyrupGuard Gen 3 from Dausch Technologies offers the technical requirements to answer all questions positively: the ingredients are checked at the molecular level within a few seconds. On the one hand, this happens in a batch variant in the syrup room. What is completely new now is the possibility of entirely dispensing with the syrup room and carrying out the control and measurement online and immediately after the inline blender. A huge saving of cost and time!
SyrupGuard Gen 3 works in the same way as the proven “LiquiGuard”, only not with the ready-made drink, but with the ready-made syrup. The primary goal is to prevent an incorrect mixture under all circumstances!
Variant 1: the batch variant
Variant 2: the online version
Thus SyrupGuard Gen 3 offers:
- an exact controlling of the correct mixture and numerous ingredients
- the certainty that the specifications are adhered to exactly
- the possibility of running the procedure online and therefore the chance to save a lot